Autoritatea Aeronautică Civilă Romană

Based on the experience of almost three years on the application in practice of the provisions of RACR DEMO "Aerial Demonstrations", edition 1/2015, and taking into account the comments made on various occasions by the organizers of such events, AACR was set up a group of whose purpose is to update the provisions of the aforementioned normative act in order to eliminate the problems identified during the application and alignment of the procedures for authorization / conduct of these social events to promote civil aviation with similar ones in other EU Member States.

In order to streamline the work of the working group and optimize the process of analysis and updating the RACR DEMO, if you consider it necessary to formulate observations / additions to the current text of the above-mentioned normative act, we ask you to send them by 15.05.2019, on the e-mail address:, in the tabular form attached here.